2 hours spent standing
3 miles of walking
NEAT represents all calories burned throughout the day that are not exercise related. These include acts like fidgeting, standing, walking, household chores and other for the most part low intensity activities that we pursue on a daily basis.
Increasing this number represents one of the biggest ways we can affect body composition as it can have enormous implications when practiced with consistency. An increased NEAT of 480 calories a day can lead to an increased deficit of 3,360 calories a week. This number alone in perfect terms can equate to almost a pound a week of excess body fat.
This is also a low cost activity meaning it does not take much energy to get done and should even be done on days when you exercise. The reason is multifaceted. One revolves around the fact that a workout may further exhaust glycogen stores within your body, and as women are more likely to burn a greater percentage of carbohydrate during everyday activity, post exercise may represent a time when increased fat utilization is seen as the available carbohydrates are simply not present.
A second reason is related to the oft cited rhetoric that exercise alone can not reduce body fat. This is most likely an outcome of 2 causes. One involves an activity level that may simply not be high enough to counteract the calorie surplus being consumed. The second reason is seen in what appears to be a regression to the mean in daily human movement. There have been a number of studies done both with primates and people that appear to demonstrate a possible average in the amount of movement individuals like to complete during a day. The reasons to this are probably both habitual and genetic, and as such individual variation is great. What it means is that on days where we exercise, we often do not complete as much movement outside of the gym, thus averaging to the same calories burned as if didn't go to the gym (worth noting is the fact that resistance training can show body composition benefits even despite this lack of deficit). As such it is important to still get in just as much activity outside of the gym as you would on any other day, and hopefully through the power of pattern development, this new increase in daily output will become the norm and a habitual desire to reach this level will follow.